Is Microsoft Still A Windows Company?

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” — Charles Darwin A company’s business model needs to undergo the same that the species need to, to survive & sustain. It needs to adapt to the people’ needs, invest in the company’s future and make the necessary changes to its model before it turns archaic. There are many examples of the businesses that couldn’t embrace the change and eventually, time did what it does best. Yahoo - while enjoying a strong market in the desktop segment, couldn’t convert it into mobile applications and Kodak - stuck with its analogue-photography related products & couldn’t adapt to the digital photography era, are few companies that couldn’t adapt and resulted in downfall. Microsoft, the software giant with its head office situated in Redmond, USA, famous for its universal products — Windows and Office. But in recent years, there have been several...